
Annamalai University

 Annamalai University


आवश्यक सूचनाएँ – अण्णामलाई विश्वविदयालय


आज विज्ञान और तकनीक अपने चरमोत्कर्ष पर है. इन्होंने प्रत्येक क्षेत्र सूचना, यातातयात उद्योग, वाणिज्य, कृषि और स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्र में चमत्कारिक उपलब्धियों को प्राप्त किया है. उदाहरण के रूप में बहुत सी बीमारियॉ जो असाध्य थी, आज इनका सहज उपचार उपलब्ध है. विज्ञान और तक  नीकी ने मनुष्य के चरणों में सुख सुविधा की चीजों को लाकर समर्पित कर दिया है, परन्तु वास्तव में, विश्व में प्रत्येक भाग में घृणा, शत्रुता, निर्दयता, हिंसा, अन्याय, शोषण, भ्रष्टाचार और साथ-साथ मानवीय अधिकारों का हनन हो रहा है.  विज्ञान एव तकनीक ने खुशी, मानवता एवं व्यवहार कुशला की कोई गारंटी नहीं दी है.

शिक्षा का एकमात्र उद्देश्य ज्ञान पर आधारित जीवन का विकास करना ही नहीं है बल्कि मूल्य आधारित शिक्षा और आध्यात्मिकता का विकास भी है. इसी विशेष लक्ष्य से ब्रहमाकुमारीज् शिक्षा प्रभाग (R.E.& R.F.) एवं अन्नामलाई विश् व विद्यालय के बीच एक समझौता (MOU) हुआ है. दोनों विश् व विख्यात शैक्षणिक संस्थान मिलकर दूरस्थ शिक्षा के माध्यम से अनेक पाठ्यक्रम संचलित कर रहे है.  ये पाठ्यक्रम निश्चित रूप से छात्रों की प्रवृत्तियों तथा व्यवहार में मानवीय दृष्टिकोण का आयाम विकसित कर व्यक्तित्व का दिव्यीकरण करने में सहायक है.

मूल्यनिष्ठ व्यक्ति ही जीवन में आने वाली परिस्थितियों (आन्तरिक और बाह्य दोनों ही ) और समस्याओं का स्थिर रहते हुए सफलतापूर्वक सामना और समाधान कर सकता है. विपदा प्रबन्धन (एमबीए) के इस पाठ्यक्रम में आधुनिक प्रबंन्धन, तकनीक और आध्यात्मिकता का अद्भुत सम्मिश्रण है. इससे आज का युवा जीवन में स्व-प्रबंधन द्वारा जीवन में आने वाली हर परिस्थितियों का स्व कुशलता के साथ सकारात्मक रूप से सामना कर सकता है.  हमारा न केवल यह मानना है बल्कि विश्वास है कि स्व परिवर्तन से ही विश्व परिवर्तन संभव है.


पाठ्यक्रम – मूल्य एवं आध्यात्मिक शिक्षा में डिप्लोमा 

भाषा– हिंदी / अंग्रेजी / तमिल / कन्नड / उड़िया / मल्लालम / तेलगू / गुजराती

पात्रता+ 2 अथवा समकक्ष

पाठयक्रम की अवधी -एक वर्ष

सीपीसपी कोर्स अवधी – 5 दिन- न्यूनतम 4 दिन

कोर्स फीस – 2500/-


पाठ्यक्रम – मूल्य एवं आध्यात्मिक शिक्षा में स्नातकोत्तर डिप्लोमा

भाषा– हिंदी / अंग्रेजी / तमिल / कन्नड / उड़िया / मलयालम / तेलगू / मराठी/ गुजराती

पात्रता –  किसीभी मान्यता प्राप्त विश्व विद्यालय से स्नातक की डिग्री या समकक्ष

पाठयक्रम की अवधी -एक वर्ष

सीपीसपी कोर्स अवधी – 10 दिन- न्यूनतम 8 दिन

कोर्स फीस – 4500/-


पाठ्यक्रम – मूल्य एवं आध्यात्मिक शिक्षा में एम.एस.सी.

भाषा– हिंदी / अंग्रेजी / तमिल

पात्रता –  किसीभी मान्यता प्राप्त विश्व विद्यालय से स्नातक की डिग्री या समकक्ष

पाठयक्रम की अवधी -दो वर्ष

सीपीसपी कोर्स अवधी – 10 दिन- न्यूनतम 8 दिन

कोर्स फीस – प्रथम वर्ष 4500/-, द्वितीय वर्ष 7000/- (दि. 31.8.2013पूर्व)


पाठ्यक्रम – एम.बी. ए. (विपदा प्रबंधन एव स्व प्रबन्धन)

भाषा-   अंग्रेजी

पात्रता –  किसीभी मान्यता प्राप्त विश्व विद्यालय से स्नातक की डिग्री या समकक्ष

पाठयक्रम की अवधी -दो वर्ष

सीपीसपी कोर्स अवधी – 10 दिन- न्यूनतम 8 दिन

कोर्स फीस – प्रथम वर्ष 9500/-, (प्रवेश के समय) द्वितीय किश्त 5000/- (दि. 31.1.2013 पूर्व)

द्वितीय वर्ष 9000/-, (दि. 31.8.2013 के पूर्व) द्वितीय किश्त 5000/- (दि. 31.1.2014 पूर्व)


(प्रवेश – तत्काल प्रवेश अथवा डाक द्वारा प्रवेश की अंतिम तिथि 31 दिसम्बर, 2012 है ) 

पाइ्यक्रम नियमावली और आवेदन फार्म ब्रह् माकुमारीज् के किसी भी पी.सी.पी. केन्द्र से प्राप्त किये जा सकते है अथवा कार्यक्रम के निदेशक द्वारा भी प्राप्त किये जा सकते है. (अ) 100 रु. हाथो हाथ (ब) पोस्ट के द्वारा 150/- का डिमाण्ड ड्राप्ट , एम. बी. ए. के लिए 250/- रु. हाथो हाथ (ब) पोस्ट के द्वारा 290/- का डिमाण्ड ड्राप्ट, निदेशक अन्नामलाई विश्व विद्यालय के पक्ष में बनाया गया तथा चेन्नई शाखा में देय होना चाहिए. परीक्षा – वार्षिक परीक्षा प्रत्येक वर्ष 19 मई से प्रारम्भ होगी.


शुभ कामनाएँ एवं शुभ आर्षिक के साथ :

राजयोगी ब्र.कु. निर्वेर जी, अध्यक्ष शिक्षा प्रभाग, R.E.& R.F.

राजयोगी ब्र.कु. मृत्युंजय जी, उपाध्यक्ष शिक्षा प्रभाग, R.E.& R.F.


सूचनार्थ :

ब्र.कु. पांडियमणि, निदेशक, दूरस्थ शिक्षा कार्यक्रम, शिक्षा प्रभाग,R.E.& R.F.

डॉ. आर. पी. गुप्ता, मुख्यालय संयोजक, ब्रह्माकुमारीज् शान्तिवन, तलहटी, आबू रोड, 307 510 (राजस्थान)

मो.नं. 094422 22157 ईमेल bkeducationwing@gmail.com


संपर्क सूत्र –

ब्रहमाकुमारीज,  R.E.& R.F.

विश् व शान्ति भवन, 36 मीनाक्षी नगर, पी. एण्ड टी. नगर के पीछे,

मदुराई (तामिलनाडु) 625017

फोन नं. 0452-2640777, 2640555, फैक्स् 0452-2640666

मोबाईल नं. (ऑफिस) 094422 68660


अधिक जानकारी के लिए प्रोसपेक्टस को क्लिक करें

हिंदी फोल्डर के लिए क्लिक करें

अंग्रेजी फोल्डर के लिए क्लिक करें


Today, Science and Technology have reached the pinnacle of glory. They have brought about miracles in every field, especially in Communication, Transportation, Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Healthcare. For instance, many diseases that seemed incurable yesterday have yielded to medical treatment. Science and technology have obediently placed at humanity’s feet luxuries that once were the sole prerogative of kings. However, although the material standard of living has risen for many, such progress holds no guarantee for making human beings happier or improving their character and behaviour.

In fact, humanity on every continent is collectively facing extremes of hatredness, enmity, cruelty, violence, injustice, exploitation, corruption, as well as gross violations of human rights – particularly those of women and children, People world over have never been as unhappy as they are today. New diseases have raised its ugly head, bringing new forms of sufferings. Individuals everywhere are haunted by anxiety, tension, fear, insecurity and depression.

The very purpose of Education is to improve the Quality of Life, not based on knowledge alone but value-based education and knowledge. Not merely believing in siklls for earning a living, Education also is for life. This doctrineis the cause for coming together and has made to sign MoU between Annamalai University and Brahma Kumaris Education Wing of Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation, Mount Abu. These two internationally known institutions will work together with a programme: “PG Diploma in Value Education & Spirituality”. This programme will surely help the students to mould their attitudes, humane in temperament, refined in approach and divine in spirit.

Memorandum of Understanding 
PG Diploma in Value Education & Spirituality 
Signed on 7th February 2009 
at Annamali University

From Right to Left : 
Dr. K. Vaidyanathan, Dean, Faculty of Education, AU 
Dr. S.B.Nageshwara Rao, Director, DDE, AU 
Dr. R. Rathinasabapathy, Registrar, AU 
Dr. M.Ramanathan, Vice-Chancellor, AU
B.K.Mruthyunjaya,Vice-Chariperson, Edu.wing, RE&RF, 
B.K. Pandiamani, Subzonal Co-ordinator, Madurai 
Dr. S.Viswanathan, Director Centre for Yoga Studies, AU
Sisters B.K. Deivanayaki & B.K .Sita


The creation of Post Graduate Diploma in Value education & Spirituality, would not have been possible without the material prepared by BK Denise Lawrence, Mount Abu and the constant support and encouragement of Rajyogini BK Dadi Prakash Mani, Rajyogini BK Dadi Janki, Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Rajyogini BK Hirdaya Mohini, Addl. Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Rajyogini BK Ratan Mohini, Joint Chief of Brahma Kumaris, BK Nirwair, Secretary General, Brahma Kumaris, & BK Brijmohan, BK Ramesh, Senior Member, BK Mruthyunjaya, Vice-Chairperson, Education Wing.

I would like to thank Rajyogi BK Jagdish Chandra, BK Geoffrey Marlow, BK Kiran Coyote, Professor Rameshwari Varma, BK Mahendra Kohli, BK Lourdes Aseneta, BK Frank Hubbard, Dr.Avdesh Sharma, Dr. Nikhil Patel and Dr. Ashok for their invaluable written and verbal contributions.

The bulk of the spiritual and philosophical content of this programme comes directly from the Murlis, the original revealed teachings of God, Shiva, the Supreme Being, through His medium Prajapita Brahma, Founder of Brahma Kumaris Worldwide.

For the promotion of PG Diploma course grateful acknowledgement goes to Dr. M. Ramnathan, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. S.B.Nageshwara Rao, Director DDE, Dr. S. Viswanathan, Director Centre for Yoga studies, Annamalai University

I would like to thank BK Minakshi, BK Uma, BK Jaya kumar, BK Kavita of Madurai, Dr. BK Harindra, Executive Member, Edu Wing, Varanasi for their encouragement and commitment, B.K Shenbagaraj for the design and page layout.

B.K Pandiamani 
The Programme Director, PGDVES

Brahma Kumaris Worldwide & Rajyoga Education & Research Foundation

Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya is, in many ways, a unique Vishwa Vidyalaya; it is a well known spiritual value-based educational institution which has gained global acceptance and unique imitational recognition.

Global acceptance of its teachings: The world-wide acceptance of its teachings can, perhaps, be gauged by the fact that its affiliate centers have spread in over 130 countries in all continents, and they number over 8000. Its recognition by various world bodies can be appreciated by the fact that It is affiliated to the Department of Public Information (DPI) of the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Orgnisation (NGO). In the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, it holds Consultative Status. It has Consultative Status also with the UNICEF (UN Children’s Fund). The United Nations ‘UniverANNsity for Peace’ in Costa Rica receives its co-operation in the field of peace education by means of an official agreement. This Vishwa Vidyalaya has been awarded UN Peace Medals for 1981 & 1986. The Commonwealth of Russia has granted official recongnition to this Spiritual Vishwa Vidyalaya Vidyalaya in their country.

As a Vishwa Vidyalaya, it has a distinctive character such as :

1. Education for all: It is a Vishwa Vidyalaya where in the main emphasis of teachings on promoting, in every sphere, the qualities of humanism, tolerance and a never-ending enthusiasm for spreading the knowledge of truth. This believes that education should be for practical life and not merely for a vocation or a profession or job.

2. Meeting the Challenges : This Vishwa Vidyalaya is that it gives utmost importance to character-formation and to maintaining peace. According to these principles, it imparts such a knowledge and experience that enable a person to face the problems of life in a calm, composed and confident manner, and to stand like a rock in the midst of strong storms of circumstances.

3. Education that corrects imbalance in human personality: Above all, this Vishwa Vidyalaya feels that in the present system of education, there is over- stress on natural and biological science, commerce and economics, computer sciences, applied natural and biological science, commerce and economics, computer sciences, applied mathematics, statistics, etc., but education in other social sciences and humanities and more particularly in spiritual subjects has not only been relegated to the background but has deliberately been omitted from the curriculum. This resulted in a great imbalance in the development of human personality and society as a whole. So, this Vishwa Vidyalaya imparts education that satisfies man’s curiosity to find the answers to quotations like “ who am I? Where have I come from and where shall I return?

4. Holistic education relative to the present crisis: Thus, this is a unique Vishwa Vidyalaya, which wants to fill the gap that is left unfilled by most other universities. It does not want to impart education in all those subjects, which are already being taught at other universities, for that would just be the duplication or the overlapping of efforts. On the other hand, it is giving education in those subjects, which are very relevant to the present critical world situation. The education it imparts, though visibly spiritual in its content, is a happy blend of ethics, practical psychology, metaphysics or philosophy the gist of world history and culture, sociology, political science and, in fact, many other subjects.

This Vishwa Vidyalaya does not give any certificates, diplomas or degrees as none of these were give in the ancient past, or even till less than 200 years ago, for, these do not reflect the spiritual level of a person, nor does a spiritually elevated person seek a
certificate or a commendation, because his or her own life is a certificate unto others. Aristotle, Copernicus, Newton and Einstein were much more than what any degree could signify their attainments. So were Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lingan, Swami Vivekanand and Buddha.

Such are the idea of this Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya for it wants to revive that tradition of people with outstanding character at the helm of affairs at a time when society has almost stopped producing such high characters.

In addition to its centres, the PBKIVV serves the various sectors of society through 18 Wings co-ordinated under its sister organization, the Rajyoga Education & Research Foundation, created in 1982. The aim and objectives of these wings are:

  • To open and establish centres of Rajyoga
  • To impart and propagate the principles of Rajyoga Education
  • To propagate and encourage the study and practice of the principles of truth, nonvoilence, spiritual love and divine virtue
  • To foster soul-consiousness and the spirit of universal brotherhood
  • To remove superstition, blind faith and ignorance
  • To work for the eradication of moral and social evils
  • To spread and promote literacy amongst the masses
  • To carry out activities for the upliftment and welfare of women
  • To undertake scientific research in Rajyoga
  • To work for and promote rural development

The sectors served are: Administration, Art & Culture, Business & Industry, Education, Jurists, Media, Medical, Politicians, Religionist, Rural Development. Science & engineering. Security, Social Services, Sports, Transport, Women and Youth..

मूल्य शिक्षा और आध्यात्मिकता में डिप्लोमा
Diploma in Value Education and Spirituality

स्नातकोत्तर मूल्य शिक्षा और आध्यात्मिकता में डिप्लोमा

P.G. Diploma in Value Education and Spirituality


एमएससी मूल्य शिक्षा और आध्यात्मिकता

M.Sc. Value Education and Spirituality

व्यवसाय प्रशासन निष्णात स्व प्रबंधन और आपदा प्रबंधन
M.B.A. Self Management and Crisis Management

Other Details अन्य विवरण
Application Form आवेदन फार्म
Instructions for Filling in Application Form          आवेदन पत्र भरने के लिए निर्देश
Procdeure for Admission प्रवेश के लिए Procdeure
Fees Structure & Mode of Payment                      शुल्क और भुगतान की संरचना मोड
Compulsory Personal Contact Programme (CPCP) अनिवार्य व्यक्तिगत संपर्क कार्यक्रम
Entrolment Number & Identity Card                  Entrolment संख्या और पहचान पत्र
Change of Address, Name and Medium                नाम, पता और मध्यम बदलें
Despatch of Lessons & Bonafide Certificate              सबक और वास्तविक प्रमाणपत्र के डिस्पैच
Study Centre and Grievance Redresal cell                  अध्ययन केन्द्र और शिकायत Redresal सेल
Enquiries and Correspondence पूछताछ और पत्राचार
University Examinations विश्वविद्यालय इग्ज़ामिनेशन्स
Transfer Certificate (T.C.) and Other Contact Facilities स्थानांतरण प्रमाणपत्र (टीसी) और अन्य संपर्क सुविधाएं


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